Many women today are faced with doing more than is possible in the day. This can lead to problems with feeling of fatigue throughout the day and feeling like you are out of rhythm with your body and the world around you.

In Ayurvedic practice, there is an energy clock, which is based on the three doshas, the energies that work through the body to create health and well-being. Everyone has a primary or dominant dosha which can be Vata, Pitta or Kapha, but everyone has all three doshas at some level and throughout different times of the day.

The Vata dosha is associated with the fall and winter. The Pitta is the summer energy and Kapha is associated with the spring. The spring is the most stable of the doshas followed by Pitta and then Vata, which is the least stable.

Each time of the Ayurvedic clock is associated with specific time periods during the day. The doshic times of the day include:

  • Vata (2-6pm and 2-6am) – as this is the least stable, it is important to have routines and also to be creative and engage in learning new ideas or concepts.
  • Pitta (10am-2pm and 10pm-2am) this is the time to concentrate and focus. It is also the time people tend to be most alert. The early time of the day, the 10am to 2pm is ideal for eating as it allows the body to burn off the food. Sleep before 10 to avoid late night cravings and getting that second wind that prevents sleep if you stay up too late.
  • Kapha (6-10 am and 6-10pm) this is the time to get up and get into a habit of exercise before 6 am. This is the time when your body will respond and also develop the habit of exercising much easier if you struggle with finding time to get in a workout. While you can also exercise at night, this can cause sleep problems for some.

Following the Ayurveda/Ayurvedic clock is a wonderful way to get back in balance with your circadian rhythm and with nature around you. Just a bit of restricting your schedule can make a very large difference for anyone in balancing their life.